Publications in Scientific Journals

Borenstein, Benjamin E., Luke Nowlan, and Juliano Laran (2025), “The Influence of Stress on Satiation on Products and Experiences,” Journal of Business Research, 189 (February), forthcoming


Janiszewski, Chris and Juliano Laran (2024), “A Behaviorist Perspective on How to Address Negative Consumer Behaviors,” Consumer Psychology Review, 7 (January), 98-115.


Janiszewski, Chris and Juliano Laran (2024), “Paradigmatic Conformity Blinds Us From Opportunity: A Rejoinder,” Consumer Psychology Review, 7 (January), 127-30.


Salerno, Anthony, Chris Janiszewski, and Juliano Laran (2023), "Focus on the Need or Feeling Good? Coping Through Instrumental Action versus Prohedonic Distraction Depends on the Temporal Efficacy of Means," Motivation and Emotion, 47 (December), 887-907.

*Lead Article

Wang, Xiang, Chris Janiszewski, Yanmei Zheng, Juliano Laran, and Wonseok Jang (2021), "Deriving Mental Energy from Task Completion," Frontiers in Psychology, 12 (August), 717414.

Kim, Aekyoung, Felipe Affonso, Juliano Laran, and Kristina Durante (2021), "Serendipity: Chance Encounters in the Marketplace Enhance Consumer Satisfaction," Journal of Marketing, 85 (July), 141-57. 

Mittal, Chiraag, Juliano Laran, and Vladas Griskevicius (2020),"How Early-Life Resource Scarcity Influences Self-Confidence and Task Completion Judgments," Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 5 (October), 404-14.

Laran, Juliano, Chris Janiszewski, and Anthony Salerno (2020), "Nonconscious Nudges: Encouraging Sustained Goal Pursuit," in Neuromarketing Yearbook 2020, ed. Carla Nagel, Utrecht, Netherlands: Neuromarketing Science and Business Association

Laran, Juliano (2020),"Self-Control: Information, Priorities, and Resources," Consumer Psychology Review, 3 (January), 91-107.

Laran, Juliano (2019), "Nobody Has to Lose: Introducing the Concurrent Identity and Goal Activation (CIGA) Framework," in Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing, ed. Mark Forehand and Americus Reed II, Cheltenham, UK: Elgar Publishing, 44-56.

Laran, Juliano, Chris Janiszewski, and Anthony Salerno (2019), "Nonconscious Nudges: Encouraging Sustained Goal Pursuit," Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (August), 307-29.

Salerno, Anthony, Juliano Laran, and Chris Janiszewski (2019), "The Bad Can Be Good: When Benign and Malicious Envy Motivate Goal Pursuit," Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (August), 388-405.

Etkin, Jordan and Juliano Laran (2019), "Restricting Choice Freedom Reduces Post-Choice Goal Disengagement," Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4 (January), 36-46.

Laran, Juliano, (2018), "How Can You Tap Into Consumers Surroundings to Influence Their Actions?," in Mapping Out Marketing: Navigation Lessons from the Ivory Trenches, ed. Ronald Hill, Cait Lamberton, and Jennifer Swartz, London, UK: Routledge, 153-55.

Simpson, Bonnie, Katherine White, and Juliano Laran (2018), "When Public Recognition for Charitable Giving Backfires: The Role of Independent Self-Construal," Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (April), 1257-73.

Laran, Juliano and Eva Buechel (2017), "Mental Resources Increase Preference for Dissimilar Experiences," Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2 (January), 123-35.

VanBergen, Noah and Juliano Laran (2016), "Loss of Control and Self-Regulation: The Role of Childhood Lessons," Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (December), 534-48.

Durante, Kristina and Juliano Laran (2016), "The Effect of Stress on Consumer Saving and Spending," Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (October), 814-28.

Laran, Juliano, Chris Janiszewski, and Anthony Salerno (2016), "Exploring the Differences Between Conscious and Unconscious Goal Pursuit," Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (June), 442-58.

Laran, Juliano (2016), "Consumer Goal Pursuit," Current Opinion in Psychology, 10 (August), 22-26.

Wilcox, Keith, Juliano Laran, Andrew Stephen, and Peter Zubcsek (2016), "How Being Busy Can Increase Motivation and Reduce Task Completion Time," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110 (March), 371-84.

Salerno, Anthony, Juliano Laran, and Chris Janiszewski (2015), "Pride and Regulatory Behavior: The Influence of Appraisal Information and Self-Regulatory Goals," Journal of Consumer Research, 42 (October), 499-514.

Salerno, Anthony, Juliano Laran, and Chris Janiszewski (2014), "Hedonic Eating Goals and Emotion: When Sadness Decreases the Desire to Indulge," Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (June), 135-51.

Laran, Juliano and Michael Tsiros (2013), "An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Uncertainty in Marketing Promotions Involving Free Gifts," Journal of Marketing, 77 (March), 112-23.

Laran, Juliano and Anthony Salerno (2013), "Life History Strategy, Food Choice, and Caloric Consumption," Psychological Science, 24 (February), 167-73.

Laran, Juliano, Amy Dalton, and Eduardo Andrade (2011), "Why Consumers Rebel Against Slogans," Harvard Business Review, November, 34.

Laran, Juliano and Keith Wilcox (2011), "Choice, Rejection, and Elaboration on Preference-Inconsistent Alternatives," Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (August), 229-41.

Laran, Juliano, Amy Dalton, and Eduardo Andrade (2011), "The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Why Brands Produce Priming Effects and Slogans Produce Reverse Priming Effects," Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (April), 999-1014.

Laran, Juliano and Chris Janiszewski (2011), "Work or Fun? How Task Construal and Completion Influence Regulatory Behavior," Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (April), 967-83.

Laran, Juliano (2010), "Goal Management in Sequential Choices: Consumer Choices for Others Are More Indulgent Than Personal Choices," Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (August), 304-14.

Laran, Juliano (2010), "Choosing Your Future: Temporal Distance and the Balance Between Self-Control and Indulgence," Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (April), 1002-15.

Laran, Juliano (2010), "The Influence of Information Processing Goal Pursuit on Post-Decision Affect and Behavioral Intentions," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98 (January), 16-28.

Fay, Scott and Juliano Laran (2009), "Implications of Expected Changes in the Seller's Price in Name-Your-Own-Price Auctions," Management Science, 55 (November), 1783-96.

Laran, Juliano and Chris Janiszewski (2009), "Behavioral Consistency and Inconsistency in the Resolution of Goal Conflict," Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (April), 967-84.

*Winner of the 2009 Ferber Award

Cunha, Jr., Marcus and Juliano Laran (2009), "Asymmetries in the Sequential Learning of Brand Associations: Implications for the Early Entrant Advantage," Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (February), 788-99.

Laran, Juliano, Chris Janiszewski, and Marcus Cunha, Jr. (2008), "Context-Dependent Effects of Goal Primes," Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (December), 653-67.

Cunha, Jr., Marcus, Chris Janiszewski, and Juliano Laran (2008), "Protection of Prior Learning in Complex Consumer Learning Environments," Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (April), 850-64.

Sawyer, Alan Juliano Laran, and Jun Xu (2008), "The Readability of Marketing Journals: Are Award-Winning Articles Better Written?," Journal of Marketing, 72 (January), 108-17.